Jan & Kieran Attend Microbial Modelling Workshop in Edinburgh

Jan Kreft and Kieran Alden have recently attended the Microbial Modelling Workshop, held at the University of Edinburgh between the 1st and 3rd July 2013. The focus of the meeting was on computational methods for spatially structured microbial populations. Jan spoke on the first day of the workshop, focusing on "Individual-Based modelling of aging in unicellular organisms: specialist versus generalist models".

The use of computational approaches to study microbiological phenomenon continues to become more popular, and it was good to see a number of approaches being used by researchers from institutions across the world. It was also good to see that the use of iDynoMiCS as a tool for exploring such phenomenon continues to be popular, and good to catch up with researchers who have both previously been involved in the development of iDynoMiCS or are now using iDynoMiCS in their research.

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