Sequencing Heparan Sulphate

Novel strategies for sequence analysis of HS and other glycosaminoglycans

The lab has a strong commitment to innovative research in the field of
HS structural analysis. This work is continuing (in collaboration with Prof.
Hopwood (Adelaide W & C Hospital, Australia) and Dr Ram Sasisekharan (MIT, Boston, USA). These are important projects on development of novel strategies for direct and rapid sequencing of complex HS and GAG saccharides using lysosomal exoenzymes (Turnbull et al, 1999).
These methods are crucial to to structure/function studies on HS. Techniques being used include electrophoresis, MALDI mass spec and capillary electrophoresis

Drummond, KJ, Yates, EA & Turnbull JE. (2001) Electrophoretic sequencing of heparin/heparan sulfate oligosaccharides using a highly sensitive fluorescent end label. Proteomics 1, 304-310.

Shriver Z, Raman R, Venkataraman G, Drummond K, Turnbull JE, Toida T, Linhardt R, Biemann K, & Sasisekharan R. (2000) Sequencing of 3-O Sulfate Containing Decasaccharides With a Partial Antithrombin III Binding Site. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 10359-10364.

Turnbull, JE, Hopwood, J. & Gallagher, JT. (1999) A strategy for rapid sequencing of heparan sulphate/heparin saccharides. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 2698-2703

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