HS and Growth Factors

Studies are directed to analysis of the fine structure of HS chains (using novel sequencing strategies) on HSPGs expressed in brain and nervous tissues (and cell lines derived from them) and their interactions with FGFs known to have neuroregulatory functions (eg. 1, 2, 8 and 9). The saccharide specificity of these interactions and also those with their corresponding tyrosine kinase FGF receptors are being studied. Prof. Heath (School of Biosciences) is providing recombinant FGFs, FGF receptors and cells transfected with FGF receptors. In addition, studies on the complex interaction of HS with these components and its regulation of FGF signal transduction are underway.


Guimond, SE & Turnbull JE. (1999) Fibroblast growth factor receptor signalling is dictated by specific Heparan sulphate saccharides. Current Biology 9, 1343-1346.

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