HS in Neural Development

In these projects we are studying the structure and biological activities of HS in the developing nervous system, particularly the mouse (in collaboration with Dr Miriam Ford-Perriss, Anatomy & Cell Biology at Melbourne University) but also in Xenopus (in collaboration with Dr Christine Holt, Anatomy, Cambridge University). Work includes the dynamic changes in the structure of HS at different stages of development, the altered functional capacities of this HS (eg. growth factor binding and activation) and altered expression of sulphotransferases involved in HS biosynthesis (see other project file on this topic).


Brickman, Y., Nurcombe, V., Gallagher, J., Ford, M. & Turnbull, JE. (1998) Structural modification of FGF-binding HS at a determinative stage of neuroepithelial development. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 4350-4359.

Brickman, Y., Ford, M., Gallagher, J., Nurcombe, V., Bartlett, P., & Turnbull, JE. (1998) Structural comparison of FGF-specific heparan sulphates derived from a growing or differentiating neuroepithelial cell line. Glycobiology 8, 463-471.


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