Additional options/functions are available through the menu bar.
Under the 'Preferences' menu is the item 'Means as Symbols', this will change the display of marker means from vertical bars to square symbols. This is a checked item i.e. the next time you look at this menu 'Means as Symbols' will be checked. Clearly it can also be de-selected.
Under the 'Miscellaneous' menu is the item 'Trait Distribution', this presently produces a simple distribution graph of the current trait data in order to check on the "normality" of the trait. Statistical information can be seen by clicking on the (Output) button.
Under the 'Preferences' menu is the item 'Calculate Trait', this provides the function of using existing trait values to produce an adjusted trait or composite trait. Operators are + - / * ^ (to the power of i.e. 2^3 = 8), functions are LN (natural logarithm) LOG (base 10 logarithm) SQRT (square root) EXP (exponential) and contants are PI (3.1415927) and E (2.7182818). Round brackets can be used to group calculations. The precedence of operators is that normally found in computing languages so that multiplication/division has a higher precedence over adding and subtracting e.g.
1+2*3 = 7
(1+2)*3 = 9
When in doubt use brackets.
The letter 'T' followed by a number n indicates that the value of the nth trait should be substituted in the calculation, thus
will multiply trait number two by 3.1415927 for use in subsequent analyses provided the 'Apply' checkbox has been checked. No matter what equation is entered it will only be used if the 'Apply' box is checked.
Remember that like all text boxes in this Java program the enter key must be pressed after entering text for it to register the change.