The results are displayed in a separate window. Please (Cancel) a window when not needed as it takes up resources. These windows can be hidden behind the browser window so take care. In Windows 95 all current graphs are shown on the status bar. A good idea is to minimise the browser so that the Applet can be used like a toolbar and output can be seen at all times. The Result window button (Cancel) destroys the related window, (Colour) toggles between colour and monochrome, (Resize) resizes the window to its original shape if it has been shrunk or stretched, (Output) toggles between graph and text output and (Values) tabulates x and y co-ordinates on the text output area. In Windows 95 text output can be copied to the clipboard by blocking, clicking the right mouse button and selecting copy. In Windows 95 the image of the currently selected result window with graph can be copied to the clipboard by pressing ALT-PrintScreen simultaneously. The clipboard can be subsequently pasted into another application such as a wordprocessor.
Analysis information can be added to a graphical representation of a chromosome (a linkage group map). After completing a QTL analysis (e.g. marker regression) Choose the Map - Add QTL under the Miscellaneous menu option. This will add the current analysis information to the current map. This can then be displayed by selecting Map - Draw. If you are unhappy with the results you can start again by invoking Map - Clear List, although the list is automatically cleared when you change linkage group (i.e. you can only work on one chromosome at a time, but you can have a selection of chromosome maps displayed simultaneously) . In addition to the analyses the information from multiple QTLs produced by dragging in the expected graph window can be added to the current map. In this case there will be no error information included. The mapping function may become more sophisticated with time.